Begin your professional career in one of the boundless opportunities offered by the Department of Defense for recent graduates.
Fellowship Program
This program is a unique opportunity to experience the work environment in the Department of Defense while still in school. Current students enrolled in educational institutions ranging from high school to graduate school gain the experience of working for DOD and the ability to explore the many opportunities that the Department of Defense has to offer.
Army Fellows Program
AFP is a planned development through a blending of progressive and sequential work assignments, formal training, and self-development as individuals’ progress from entry-level positions to more advanced key positions within the workforce. The end result of the training is an Army Civilian professional with the requisite skills, abilities, and competencies eligible for permanent placement across Army.
For More Information: armyciviliancareers@army.mil -
John S. McCain Strategic Defense Fellows Program
High performing and talented individuals with advanced degrees have an opportunity to gain experience and develop their leadership skills. Learn More -
DARPA Innovation Fellowship
DARPA seeks new talent to make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security. The DARPA Innovation Fellowship is a two-year position at DARPA for early career scientists and engineers. The fellows will develop and manage a portfolio of high-impact, exploratory efforts to identify breakthrough technologies for the Department of Defense. Fellows will push the limits of existing technology through the rapid exploration of a high volume of promising new ideas focused on answering high risk/high reward "what if?" questions and assessing the impact of further investment. Learn More -
National Security Education Program (NSEP)
NSEP initiatives represent an incredible opportunity to realize your goals. Learn More -
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Post Doctoral Program
Fellows are competitively selected on the basis of their overall qualifications and technical proposals addressing specific areas. Learn More -
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Connects the most talented and diverse college students, recent graduates, postdocs, and faculty to STEM internship and fellowship programs. Learn More -
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Historically Black Colleges Institution Program
Designed to increase the participation of HBCU/MIs in the Navy's research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) programs and activities. Learn More -
Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship
A 5-year basic research fellowship for faculty to support new and innovative ideas. Learn More -
AEOP Fellowship Program
Research Opportunities for Post-bacc, gradu students, or post-doctoral students. Learn More -
Near-peer Mentor Program, Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS)/span>
Near-Peer Mentors (NPMs) are high school and college students enrolled in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) or education based field. NPMs work directly with USAMRDC scientists and engineers to learn STEM focused curriculum and educate students in grades 4-12 in a week-long summer camp environment. Students perform hands-on activities under the instruction of the NPMs. NPMs are provided training prior to the start of the program for students. Learn More -
DOD STEM Opportunities
Explore a multitude of internship, fellowship, educational and competition opportunities in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math. Learn More -
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG)
NDSEG Fellowships are designed to encourage baccalaureate recipients to enter graduate school and ultimately gain doctorates in STEM. Learn More
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